
And Deep Inside......

Picture Courtesy : Google Images People often say that they love each other but what exactly a person mean by love ? What type of feeling is love or being loved ? Everyone has his or her own definition of love.  Love is just a four letter word which is complicated in a way. Love is scientifically defined as a basic need by Maslow in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.  It is a need of each and every individual . If one is actually in love, fear and jealousy come along with this feeling. Fear, for not to be left alone and jealousy in the same manner. It is a feeling of belongingness.  When one start feeling for someone, it's not I or me anymore, it becomes 'us' in everything. Love is selfish. Loving is not. Some people say... love is painful. They say this as they think they have experienced this but they don't realize that the world is surrounded by love. Love is not limited to a lover or soulmate but it includes all the people who are connected with you. All


Picture Courtesy : Google Images " Society ".....this so called word is what we are hearing since the moment we are born. Our guardian always taught us ' Don't do this, what society will think of you ? ' , ' Don't wear this..society won't like it ' , ' Get good marks or society won't respect you ' , ' Don't choose it as your will able to match  our society ', ' Don't marry him..society won't accept it '...Like really...Does society even care ? Can society live my life ? My situation ? My dreams ? My thoughts ? Who just asked " Society " to judge me...who gave it that permission to interfere in my life ? Society was not born by itself..we. the people made it. It is not something different .It is made from each of us. It is what we made it. Everyone is given one life and no one wants society to rule it. On the other hand, we still judge each other and directly or indirectly inte


Picture Courtesy : Google Images Memories... a small word with deep feeling and meaning. All of us have memories , it maybe with someone who is still with us and it maybe with someone who is not with us right now . Somehow it depends on us that we want to keep those memories or not. Some of us think that we should erase those past memories with the one who is not there with us.Some of us think that we should save and lock those memories of us with them forever . We all have different perception. But this can't judge if one is right or not. As all of us have different thoughts and nature , no one would like to be judged from the other person with different perception of life but the fact is we all do that...we all judge each other in a way or other. Judging not always means commenting , it means making a thought about a person in mind which can not be changed easily. When we make a thought about a person , we naturally show it in the treatment we give to him or the way we

Time Stops

Picture Courtesy : Google Images People say..Time never stops for anyone...than what is it when time stops in front of your eyes. The feeling when you don't want to be social any more. The time when you find everyone against you but you don't care. The time when you want to and stay alone enjoying your own company. When people are with you but you are not able to recognize them. The time when you find no feelings in you and you actually feel like you are heartless The time when you stop thinking what others are thinking about you and for what purpose. The time you want to know why are you given this life...what is the purpose of it. When you are not able to think about anything. The time when nothing attracts you. When all the things fail to impress you. People say time is the key to everything but you find no time for anything and anyone except you. The time when this actually happen is the time when you start loving yourself. You start to give yourself respect, thi

A Drop Of Rain

Picture Courtesy : Google Images A drop of rain is a pearl from sky It is a gift of God Food for farms Cherish able for all A drop of rain Is serene at your steps It is a blessing It is something for all the creatures Living or non living, poor or rich It is a celebration in your happiness and it shares your tears in sadness It is a thirst for many and demanded by some It is joy for peacock Unfortunate for birds But at the end A drop of rain is a splendor of nature   


Picture Courtesy : Google Images The paramount of all professions and the most selfless persons The one who are forbearance for all of us The one who taught us hard work And helped us find our talents Sometimes by flattering and sometimes by chiding , In their own way The one who never showed their back They always proved our faith in them Encouraged us each and every time It may be in negative way or in positive The one who never actually wanted to fail us The one who supported us in our good or bad Asked if we have any problem regarding anything Sometimes like a friend  Sometimes like a mentor The one who guided us our way to success  The one who always tried to make us superlative and believed in us. Thank you to all those teachers who accepts each of his/her student with condemnation You not only teach us the field of reference  but also to be an amiable person. #Teacher'sDaySpecial #DedicatedToAllTheTeachers

The Expression of Joy

Picture Courtesy : Google Images She smiled joyfully while looking at me. Her eyes were sparkling with wonders. After that day, she used to greet me daily whenever she see me. A few days back on a Sunday morning, my watchman came up to collect society maintenance as he collects every month. But this time he bought his small daughter who was hardly of 8 years old along with him. Seeing a kid, my father asked me to give her some mangoes. The moment I gave her the poly bag of 2-3 mangoes, her expressions changed suddenly. When she came first, she was looking sweaty, dull and tired who have to be with her father for the whole day in sharp sunshine. But when she was offered that poly bag, a ray of enthusiasm came inside her. She seemed so happy as if the day was successful for her. Her single expression made my day and forced me to think on something and write this blog. Many of us at times are dissatisfied with our lives. It may be because of less marks , or may be when some p