Time Stops

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People say..Time never stops for anyone...than what is it when time stops in front of your eyes. The feeling when you don't want to be social any more. The time when you find everyone against you but you don't care. The time when you want to and stay alone enjoying your own company. When people are with you but you are not able to recognize them. The time when you find no feelings in you and you actually feel like you are heartless The time when you stop thinking what others are thinking about you and for what purpose. The time you want to know why are you given this life...what is the purpose of it. When you are not able to think about anything. The time when nothing attracts you. When all the things fail to impress you. People say time is the key to everything but you find no time for anything and anyone except you.

The time when this actually happen is the time when you start loving yourself. You start to give yourself respect, think about yourself before others. No, this is not selfishness but it is the point of time when you start valuing yourself more then others. This is when you know yourself and you finally be mentally, psychologically , socially and emotionally independent. Not everyone is lucky enough to be this strong. People might call you selfish or talk behind your back but this is the sign that you have so much of importance in their lives. So don't feel bad if this point of time has come in your life. Be proud of yourself for being strong and stay same.       


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